Tuesday 25 November 2008

Firm Wave Exercise Equipment

My clients have been pestering me to review the Firm Wave Personal Gym to decide if they should buy one. They were concerned it would be another unusable piece of home exercise equipment that was all hype and wouldn't give them the type of workout they were searching for. As I use a similar piece of equipment the T-Bow I took up the challenge.

Both the T-Bow and the Wave are shaped like a small humped back bridge. You can rock on it curved side down or use it as a step curved side up (it's stable and won't move) this way you can use it to:-.

  • Step up and down (a normal step)
  • To enhance your stretching routine.
  • With a affordable exercise band add many strength training exercises
  • By using only your body weight you can do exercises like press-ups, squats and lunges.

If you turn the Wave over so that the curved surface is down you end up with an unstable surface. With your feet on either side of the Wave it can be hard to stay upright on it never mind move. This way up you can:-

  • Perform a rocking movement which really hits the spot
  • Use the Wave length ways and walk your way fit
  • Strengthen Abs and core
  • Use with a resistance band to make your workout more difficult

One of the Wave's claim to fame is that it can burn three times as much fat as other pieces of cardio equipment. Hmm three times as much I can't say but it will give you one of the hardest and most tough cardio workouts you've ever had. As a beginner I would expect you to be sweating and breathless in less than five minutes.

The Wave will enable you to execute over 100 toning, strength building and body sculpting exercises all on a piece of kit that costs less than $100 and comes with four DVD's an exercise mat and a healthy eating guide. I have to say I was impressed with the Wave. It won't stack like the T-Bow but for most home users who only buy one this will not be a problem.

Many people like you will see this as another exercise gimmick. Let me assure you it's not. It will do precisely what the Firm claims. The only way it won't work for you will be if you don't use it. But then that would apply to any other piece of home exercise equipment as well. The Wave is small, easy to store, has no complicated controls and can be set up in seconds, you just stand on it!

Don't waste any more time do what thousands of others have done. Ride The Firm Wave and get the results you've only dreamed of.

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