Saturday 22 November 2008

The Firms Wave Review

The Firms Wave is innovative workout system that is taking the USA by storm. It blends aerobic, strength and stretching in one small easy to put away piece of equipment. It's a curved surface that can be used curved side up to give a secure base to do stength training and stretching on. Flip the Wave over with it's curved side down and you can rock your way to one of the best and most effective cardio workouts you've ever had.

The wave is so efficient in giving a a great workout in a short time because it forces your body to work harder. When ever you step onto an wobbly surface like the Wave your bodies core and stabilising muscles have to work much harder just to keep you upright. That's just standing still! Wait until you start rocking, your workload goes through the roof and you have to work very hard.

This is functional training at it's best. Using yourself, a cheap exercise band and the wave you can exercise every single muscle in your body without having to buy any other high-priced gym equipment. Exercising on the Wave means you can reduce the time you require to do your exercises which is very important today as time is a precious commodity.

More importantly exercising out on the Wave is a great deal of fun. No more boring plodding on a treadmill or cross trainer just step on the Wave and start rocking. It's addictive and I use it in all my own workouts , my Personal Training clients love it and they also love the quick results frequent use can bring.

If you'd like to discover more about the Firms Wave and see it in action then please click on the link now and join all the others who Ride The Wave.

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